Earasers at your next event?

Explore the collaboration opportunities we provide!

Want to get in touch? Contact Mink@earasers.shop

Collaboration opportunities

We believe that a partnership between music events and Earasers could be mutually beneficial, and we've outlined some potential collaboration points below:

  • Email Awareness: We propose including messaging in your emails to subscribers, highlighting the importance of hearing protection and directing them to our website, www.earasers.shop, for more information and purchases. This would help raise awareness among your audience about the significance of protecting their hearing.
  • Webshop Promotion: As part of an affiliate marketing deal, we can offer a unique discount code featuring your logo on the Earasers canister for brand visibility. We would provide a kickback on every item sold, creating a win-win situation for both parties.
  • Social Media Promotion: Let's collaborate on social media promotions. We could organize a giveaway or contest to generate buzz and engagement while promoting the importance of hearing protection.
  • Content Creation: We envision collaborating on creating engaging content that showcases Earasers in action and emphasizes the importance of protecting one's hearing in loud environments. This could include behind-the-scenes footage, testimonials, and educational content.
  • Goodie Bags for DJs: As a special offering, we would be delighted to provide Earasers products as part of the goodie bags for DJs associated with your event. This would demonstrate our commitment to promoting hearing health among industry professionals and further solidify our partnership.

We believe that by combining our strengths and resources, we can create impactful campaigns that resonate with our shared audience while promoting a vital message about hearing protection.